

Alternative Ways To Use PowerPoint Software


Let us continue to explore some alternative applications of Microsoft PowerPoint. As you have seen in the first article, it is not only used for designing presentations. These ideas are based around the concept of taking a particular slide layout and using it in isolation rather than incorporating it into a presentation.


It is often more useful to display a collection of information in the form of a diagram rather than as a solid body of text. One idea is to use a hierarchy diagram, from PowerPoint templates. This could be used, for example, to show the staffing structure in your workplace. It could be incorporated into the welcome pack for new staff and assist in their acclimatization process.

Diagrams can also be used to effectively display the stages in a particular process. Perhaps you are undertaking a large scale project at work and would like a simple graphical representation of the phases which are to be undertaken. This could be a useful tool in meetings when you wish to give colleagues or clients an overview of the current situation.

A Family Tree

Many people are interested in exploring their family origins. It can be a complex process and involve tracking down records to try to identify possible family connections. However, once you have located your distant descendents you could use PowerPoint to proudly display your family tree. It could be an idea for a gift or simply something to show your children.

Calendars and Schedules

If organizing your time schedule effectively is a top priority, you could use PowerPoint to generate a monthly calendar. This could be displayed on your wall or on your fridge and thereby limit the likelihood of you forgetting important occasions. By selecting photographs or images as a background, you can give your calendar a personal touch.

Place Cards

PowerPoint templates can be used to design place card for a variety of events. You can choose to preprint an individual’s personal details onto a place card or alternatively, leave the form blank if it is to be used as a name card. This is a useful solution if you are on an economy drive and cannot afford to have them professionally printed.


PowerPoint can be useful for creating posters to inform friends, family and your local community of upcoming events. Sales, car boot sales and open days can often do with a little extra advertising to achieve a successful outcome. Perhaps you have lost a valuable item and would like to alert as many people as possible to this fact. With some creative input and technical know-how, PowerPoint has the capability to create eye-catching posters for whatever purpose you have in mind.

In summary, PowerPoint is a useful piece of software than can be used for a variety of different applications. Attending Microsoft PowerPoint training courses can provide you with the technical skills to use PowerPoint in your personal and professional projects.

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